Role and Responsibilities

Message from General Manager

Dear Customers,
Hello! This is the general manager of OFFICETODAY Realty Service. I quite much appreciate your kind visit to our homepage.

Looking back to when I came to be involved in the real estate market, I always feel that it is difficult to explain, just by means of my will and passion that was going off to this business, about why and how I am here now. I believe that having this job was, to a great extent, led by the power of something we cannot see and explain. I think that it's "Karma". By the power of karma, I chose to work in the real estate market and have been walking through this way till now. It makes me feel a call to this work and try to stay best in this market without any end. Please have kind concern and watch us grow with our dear customers.

We will sincerely counsel on various real estate issues.
Please do not hesitate to contact us whenever you need.

Real Estate Counseling - Economical Issues

When we consider purchasing realty asset on economical purpose, we face three big issues.
One is about how much we can earn from leasing the asset.
The other is about how much we can make capital gain when we resell it.
If you want to make another consideration, it will be about how fast we can dispose of it.

We will counsel on these complex economical issues.

Real Estate Counseling - Environmental issues

At presentation of environmental situation, it is important to inspect on-going situation. However, future-going situation must be also considered quite seriously. Talking about environmental issues, we sometimes use an economical term "externalities".

When we get benefits from external environment without any compensation, we call it positive externalities. If we buy a house in front of a chemical factory and later the factory is out and a nice shopping mall takes the place, it is positive externalities and vice versa for negative externalities. Inspection about which externalities happens in the future is important for this reason. We will help you increase value of your asset by analyzing various variables, which may happen in future.

Real Estate Counseling - Relocation service

Relocation service is a comprehensive meaning. It includes brokerage service and all others helping our foreign customers to settle into a new environment here in Seoul, Korea, without any trouble. We provide following services.

1. Brokerage service
2. Issuance of alien residence card
3. School information for children
4. Bank account opening
5. Telephone, internet and utility hook-up
6. Others

Real Estate Counseling - Regulation & law

Title inspection

We face big or small troubles buying or renting real estate. This makes us feel that our asset is quite important. In Korea, it sometimes happens that a person registered on the register is not a real owner. In this case, a buyer who makes a contract with the person registered can't be under protection of law. Then, finding a real owner through a correct title inspection is quite important. We help our customers to acquire safe and complete title.

Legal restriction

Even if you have your complete ownership on your realty asset, using your asset is legally restricted to some extent. This legal restriction determines how each realty asset can be used. As a result, value and nature of development of our asset depends on this restriction. We will counsel on this important issue.

Real Estate Counseling

One of the unique features of real estate is that transaction amount is quite huge. This requires you to make a deliberate consideration when you buy a realty asset. However, just by means of time spent on decision-making, we can't judge if it is deliberate or not.

Prolonging the time of decision, customers often miss the right point of purchasing or selling. For this reason, deliberate consideration does not always mean long consideration. It means acquiring correct and enough information and knowledge in advance to make a right decision in right time. It is quite important to get correct information because it sometimes makes damage on us to know something. Although you have huge amount of information, if it is not correct or distorted in the process of analyzing, knowing can be much worse than ignorance. Officetoday Realty Service always provides correct and enough information and lead our customers to make a right decision in right time. To be concrete, we provide following services.

Real Estate Counseling - Real Estate Brokerage Service

We provide brokerage service for sale and lease of various real estate items.
1. We provide correct and crystal clear information.
2. We make a fair transaction between buyers and sellers.
3. Ending of transaction is the starting point of our service.
4. We use advanced and professional methods to analyze and inspect.
5. We handle our customer's assets with great care such as they are ours.

We are handling ...
1) Residential real estate - Houses, Villas, Apartments
2) Commercial real estate - Building, Office
3) Land

Real Estate Counseling - Financial Issues

For all investment activities, two basic issues must be considered in advance. Risk and returns. In general terms, these two issues always come together conflicting with each other. When you expect higher returns, you are required to take the bigger risk. Then, in the process of your decision-making, you are supposed to trade off between the two issues. Then, you can find a right investment object through this trading-off process.

Once the investment object has been found, the following issue is about how to finance your purchasing-project. As mentioned above, huge transaction amount is one of the unique features in real estate market. This does not make it an easy matter to finance the whole project with your own money. Then, you came to think about borrowing. Sometimes you can possibly think that you are quite rich and you do not have to borrow. However, there is an enough reason that you still need to borrow. In this case, you can expect the leverage effect and earn more return through borrowing. Then, no matter how rich you are, borrowing is still good for you.

We are going to counsel on these various financial issues and try our best to help you finance the project with low financial costs.

Click One of them to see in detail.